
My name is William Toomey, and I’m a high school teacher in Shrewsbury, MA In my career, I have had the privilege of teaching 9th, 11th, and 12th-grade students. I currently teach 11th-grade American Literature, 12th-grade British Literature, and AP Literature and Composition.

I have a Bachelor’s in English and a Master’s degree in English Literature and Pedagogy. While my primary love is British Literature, I have a deep appreciation for all forms of the written word. I also believe thoroughly enjoy new media like film, television, and interactive storytelling, and welcome their roles in new literature.

This website is intended to be a repository for my thoughts, and a place to share details on my evolving practice. Each year, I throw away almost as much as I create. My goal is to use this site to archive my thought process and to share ideas with others.

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